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Make It Indie! Download] [pack]

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

About This Game Claw your way through the abyss of the mind and survive the horrors that stalk you as you attempt to survive seven days as... an Indie Developer. Make It Indie! is an indie game about making an indie game. It is up to you to make tough choices about your indie game while also managing your schedule. Will you crunch to oblivion, ignoring the world around you? Or will you risk it all for a much needed break? Make It Indie features: • Over 30 minutes of HD videos that immerses the player in the life of an indie developers. • An intuitive gameplay experience. • Multiple unique endings. • Truly diverse music tracks. P.S. Don't take this game too seriously! 6d5b4406ea Title: Make it indie!Genre: Adventure, Indie, SimulationDeveloper:Sometimes YouPublisher:Sometimes YouRelease Date: 1 Apr, 2015 Make It Indie! 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Note that it doesn't matter whether you answer the puzzles correctly or not and most of the later puzzles have no right answer so you have to just click randomly!There is no interesting documentary video into the insights of indie developer life either.100% achievements in 15 minutes, and now I have to leave the game running in the background to earn the trading cards with no option (that I can find) to disable the music.. Its not a game but a interactive film. in this game you can choose between playing with friends, working on the game, watch the cat (I guess you can spend all day looking at the cat rather than working on the game)Well the cat was cute, and thats the only thing this "game" has going for it.There is hardly anything explained about games design or programming. If you're after something which gives insight into games development, then please check out indie game the move or some other behind the scenes of a certain game. Don't buy into this, even though the price is low and it has cards.0\/10 uninstall button works.. That was a really short game-movie. I did 2 playthroughs in 34mins, & that's without skipping anything.It reminded me of a student film. Kinda grainy picture. Vague shots slightly out-of-focus at times. Some were really nice though, & i'll play again to take more stuffed animal pics (& get the trading cards owing of course).Music was good in parts. Different scenes had various music types, techno, pop, industrial.The story (or goal), is too make an indie game, over the course of 1 week. You choose an activity from a list that includes Work on Game, every day, then watch a scene about what you chose, followed by a Night scene, that i'm guessing was meant to be showing your dream (???). You can't watch all scene's in 1 week, so i guess that's a small bit of re-playability, & you'll need to finish the game twice to get all of the achievements.It's only $1 (i used a coupon & paid 66c), so i think it's worth a try if u want something different, but this isn't what you'd call a game in the normal way. More like a choose-your-own-adventure short-movie. Also, it's over within 15min's per playthrough, so the usual $1 per hour of game = good value, dosn't work here.. This boils down to a VERY straight forward puzzle game with a VERY thin story around it. There is also the 'night' which seems more window dressing to try and be edgy than anything related to the puzzle.It doesn't suck, as it was kind of fun to do the puzzle, but more than an hour you will be bored and there is little replay value.In short, get this in a bundle for a few cents or 50% off or more for those wanting a quick 100% achievement game.Within those parameters, its 5\/10.Otherwise it is 2.5\/10. Literally the worst game I have ever played on steam. It's not funny, it's not meaningful, it doesn't have a decent soundtrack or anything, it's just pure garbage.Those were 20 minutes I'm never getting back.Edit: Spent a few hours idling to collect cards and partially recover my money.. Definitively not everyone's cup of tea.I kinda enjoyed it though. I liked the overall dirty touch, the pinch of humor, the music (even though I don't understand Russian) and at some ponit I even began to enjoy that simple developing-minigame :'DAlso there's a cat. Whether you love or hate this kind of games I guess.. I bought this game only for the failed game cat butt achievement, but I got so much more for my 51 cents...~Card playing~Comic reading~Cat time~Puzzle solving~simulated smoking~Adventures in stuffed animalsand so much more!!! A glimpse into the mind of a complex genius at work ;D. It\u2019s been months since I first played this, and my first review was the worst review that I\u2019ve ever wrote for anything in Steam. Rearranging that old review and looking back, I find my opinion not to be changed. Sorry, this is not a game.Ok, I'll try not be annoying with this one - but I am annoyed to say the least. HOW THE FRIGGIN' HELL IS THIS EVEN A GAME??? Ehm, sorry for the caps lock rage. It tends to burst out when I remember this particular abomination.The 'game' consists of short movie crops made by some 'artsie' movie students - which takes a grand deal of optimism to call as art - , some snarky comments far from being funny and \u2018a mini game\u2019 which takes result in meaningless random clicking to win. Yaaay, you have developed an indie game! Is that it? If it is supposed to be even funny, it ends with being insulting for the genre only.I\u2019d say even with the change under your sofa, this game doesn't worth neither the value, nor the 10 minutes that you will be losing from your lives. Okay, it is as cheap as it can be, but there are actual games that you can play for a dollar in Steam. Make it Indie! is neither creative, nor commemorative and not even fun to play. But it is sure %100 on achievements with some free trading cards for a dollar. So who am I to judge?Please also check out Lady Storyteller's Curator page here - follow for regular updates on reviews for other games!. This "game" obviously came out April the 1st for a reason. This is one of the wierdest interactive novels, simulators (or whatever you wanna call it) things I've played. All you do is basically watch some russian guy do random stuff, I really have no clue what is going on. You can complete this thing in about 30 minutes and there is no such thing is replay value. But for the cheap price tag I surely had some fun. Watched this entire thing while I had breakfast. All achievements are unlocked just by watching and clicking on a few things. Also, trading cards is included, so if you want easy 100% games and cards this should be something for you.At least the videos are recorded in good quailty and theres some pretty good russian songs, even though I have no idea what they are singing about. Also some dubstep included.If you pick this up, don't expect to much, except lots of wierd things.

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